Keratin hair treatment price

Keratin hair treatment price

Keratin hair treatment price: Hair has always been a subject of jealousy and respect throughout the world. Having beautiful hair is granted to a lucky few. While the rest of us struggle with our hair every single day, the chosen few walk the earth, unaffected, wagging their perfect hair and making us green with jealousy For once, let’s ditch the home therapies and depend on science. With amazing growths in the beauty industry came another procedure for hair, the Keratin treatment.

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What is Keratin?

Keratin is the main protein that is inherently present in our hair. Hair does not only contain Keratin, but it also contains keratin-associated proteins. It works as an outward protective and internal structural protein to save your hair and keep them healthy. Due to exposure to external factors like the sun, pollution or chemicals, or changes in your lifestyle, the keratin present in the hair gets destroyed

Care and maintenance

Keratin hair treatment price: After a keratin hair treatment, an individual should avoid cleaning their hair for at least 2 days. They should also avoid:

  • placing their hair up in tight styles
  • using harsh shampoos and conditioners
  • disclosing their hair to saltwater or chlorinated water

It is also necessary to use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to help grow the therapy. These products are available in beauty stores, on the internet, and in hair salons.

People should avoid washing their hair too often, as this can strip away keratin therapy. Sooner, aim to wash hair every 3–4 days using lukewarm, preferably hot water. Applying a leave-in conditioner can also help save the hair and keep it feeling wetted.

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Are There Any Side Effects Of Keratin Treatments?

Most keratin treatments discharge formaldehyde, which is a known cancer-causing compound. Formaldehyde is a pale and strong-smelling gas that is used in glue.

Side effects of formaldehyde include a bleeding nose, itchy eyes, and sore throat. These have been seen by stylists for many years.

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 Keratine hair treatment price

Keratin hair treatment price: Keratin hair treatments are rather expensive. A person can expect to pay up to 8000 or more, depending on their hair and the salon. They may also need to buy potentially expensive hair by-products.

Also, the treatment might require a time dedication of several hours at the hair salon.

Also, if a person likes to wash their hair every day, the treatment may not be right for them.

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Keratin is great for those who want long-term straight, smooth hair. If you are looking to jump between your natural curls and straight hair, this may not be the solution for you.

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